27 April 2009

I find myself in a strange place right now. I don't want to be bothered with people for the most part but I like people. I like people because they challenge you to be more than you think you can be. You can find yourself by learning more about yourself through your interactions with others. Nothing can substitute human interaction.

I don't want to be bothered, per se, because there are too many people who bring BS to the table. They constantly test you by always nudging you to the breaking point. They are extremely annoying at times (as I am sure I can be to others) and heaven forbid you're stuck in a place full of people you don't really want to be bothered with. This seems to happen to me more than I like.

To be very clear--I don't dislike or loathe humanity. I'm constantly disappointed by it, though. I tend to be quasi-distant from people I consider my good friends, people I would give the skin off of my bones for. I guess we are still good friends because they understand me and for that I am forever grateful.

15 April 2009

On only three-and-a-half hours of sleep, my fiance and I made our way to the tea party on Fountain Square on this chilly grey day. The space on the square was limited because of the flower carpet that is displayed every spring but that didn't stop folks--they just hung round on the street.

I proudly wore my Obama victory shirt on the square full of angry and frustrated people. There were speakers who all said the same thing and folks clapped, shouted, touted their signs and chanted U.S.A....U.S.A.... The crowd soon marched to City Hall, with their teabags and petition of 1,700 signatures, to tell Mayor Mallory to refuse the stimulus money. Okay...quit laughing for a second. Nah, go ahead. These people who, most likely, don't even live in the City of Cincinnati are raging against the machine to tell a Democratic mayor of a city that is really financially strapped who backed President Obama from the beginning to not accept money? HA HA HA!

I digress...

I went there for several reasons. First and foremost, I wanted to show support for my president. He's trying to get something done in a very messed up time for everybody. Secondly, I wanted to really know why these people were so willing to assemble on a lousy weather day to protest something that they should have been protesting. Where were all of these people when former President Bush and Congress approved $720 billion in TARP money during his last months in office. After all, they are protesting wasteful spending, right? RIIIIIIGHT... Thirdly, I was interested in how people would react to me openly supporting President Obama. My mom read in City Beat about a lady who claimed to have been hit with nigger this nigger that while she showed her support for Obama during the first Cincinnati Tea Party. Would history repeat itself? You bet your butt it would! The final count for every n-bomb I heard was four. I got plenty of stares. Surprisingly enough, though, the kids who were forced to go really liked my shirt. It is quite colorful. (I bet those poor kids wished they were in school. Wait...the protesters were so about "think about the kids" when it came to the economy. Why weren't they in school? Don't they care about education? Truant officer, please!)

It appears to me that we are so ready for President Obama to screw up. The protesters write him off as a failure before he can even get a chance to fail. For those opposed to what President Obama is doing I have a few questions that I hope get answered here since no one at the tea party would really answer them:

1) Where was the mass protest when President Bush gave Wall Street $720 BILLION and told Congress to allow President Obama to have access to that TARP money once he was president?

2) If these same people were so concerned about the future of our kids, where was the outrage when it was discovered that Bush's "No Child Left Behind" legislation was underfunded by billions of dollars?

3) What about Iraq? With the pointless invasion, the U.S. has spent billions upon billions upon BILLIONS of dollars that could have been used here at home.

4) Why waste wonderful bags of tea? I love tea, especially green tea. Very refreshing.

04 April 2009

Now that Easter draws near I thought I should take the time to reflect upon the very thing I gave up for Lent--facebook. My silly butt thought that I did something unique by giving up facebook. Go ahead, laugh at me but I'm being honest. The NPR show All Things Considered and, later that week, Kent Jones on The Rachel Maddow Show mentioning how weak the move was on his "Weak In Review" segment burst the bubble.

I thought that with giving up facebook I would also give up the drama that facebook brings. How I was so wrong. It all involves two people, one nasty break-up and a whole mess of he said-she said. I won't go into much detail here for several reasons. First and foremost, I want to respect the privacy of the people involved. Second, the story is chock full of allegations so it has been challenging to discern what is true and what isn't. Thirdly, I really don't feel like typing all of that stuff!

The relationship, ultimately, was one involving people who couldn't let go of past loves, feelings of insecurity, selfishness and, in my opinion, stupidity. All of this, however, is beside the point. The point is that in my respite from facebook coupled with my crazy schedule I have still managed to get caught up in it somewhat.

When things like that happen one must take a moment to reflect. The world is in such disarray right now on just about every level. Who really has time for one more drama-filled thing? If you realize that something won't work--no matter how much you try to force it to--then it isn't worth it. Why put yourself through so much extra unnecessary stress? It got to the point where I had to remove myself from both parties for a spell because I really didn't want to be involved. Unfortunately for me, whenever someone comes to me for advice I give them a very honest assessment of how I see and hear things and that keeps a small part of me in it. Maybe I should charge for my services. It'll be interesting to see how long the silence lasts...

My character has been challenged because of all of this by quite a few people. I had my loyalty questioned which I'll clear up here right now--I don't make it a point to be loyal to much of anyone. I won't try to hurt or sabotage you but you don't give out loyalty liberally. That's just stupid. I guess my whole issue with this is that instead of people coming to me to ask what exactly I said or did they assume everything and judge me accordingly. To those who have made it a point to do that I will say this: PISS OFF! I won't lie to you about anything because the truth will rear its ugly head sooner or later. But don't think that you are in the right because you feel you made an accurate assumption of me. I'ma tell ya right now--you're a bigger idiot than I thought if you feel secure in your assumption.

On the flip side of that, if multiple people are telling you the same thing at any given point then either one of two things is true: 1. We are all crazy or 2. You are effin' up BIG TIME. It's not that hard to figure out.

All of what has happened has led me to believe wholeheartedly that you guys really need lives. GET IT TOGETHER and leave the people who have something to do alone! Period.

02 April 2009

People sure do grow a massive pair of balls when posting comments on the web and that reminded me of something I had posted on facebook a couple of weeks ago about these folks...

A teenage girl goes for a solo jog around her home during the mid afternoon hours. When she didn't return home that evening, her parents called the police and filed a missing persons report. Tragically, young Esme Kenney's nude, partially burned body was found in the woods near her Winton Hills home. The police also found 40-year-old Anthony Kirkland, a man with a seedy past, asleep near Esme's body. Kirkland had Esme's i-pod and watch in his possession. He has since confessed to killing her.

Kirkland served 16 years in prison for burning another woman alive in 1986. There are also reports of possible evidence connecting him to two other homicides that resulted in the victims being burned. One of the possible victims is a 14-year-old girl killed in Avondale a few years ago, a story that hasn't received much public outcry from the posters (or lack thereof) on the web.

This case of Esme being killed the way she was is very sad and disturbing. The Greater Cincinnati area has weighed in heavily on this homicide as evidence by the number of comments readers posted following the story on every local media website. But as much as Esme's death bothered me, some of the readers comments got to me almost as bad.

Here are some of them:

"It's simple.
We have the most morally bankrupt system in the world.
What a shame that the life of this girl was taken by a piece of scum like Kirkland.
As offensive as this may sound, Hitler had a way of dealing with these kind of people. No appeals, no 20 year waits, no coddling!

Tried, convicted, killed!"--webthedog, poster at cincinnati.com

"this is a hate crime ...plain and simple....a black man kills a white girl in cold blood.....i am so tired of this crap in my society.... kill the f@ck now"--sirlouie, poster at communitypress.com

"Blacks make up 13% of the population, yet are responsible for 54% of all murders? And 94% of blacks murdered are killed by other blacks... What is wrong with black culture to produce these monsters? Look at the heroes of Black "culture" - pimps, Scarface and misogynistic rappers... "--Hang em High, poster at wcpo.com

"love and peace mu butt. Yes this is about black and white. Reverse this and we would have a riot on our hands. But we cant reverse it because whites do like to go to otr. Hell whites are being targeted just for being white. You kill each other but leave our children alone. stay in your hood and get out of ours."--boredatwork, poster at wcpo.com

"Now, now, folks... we've all collaboratively agreed that it's never the African American's fault. Well, at least you Cincinnatians agreed..."--bandaid36, poster at local12.com

"Another beautiful white girl gone, the victim of black savagery. This girl is yet another victim of forced integration. A return to strict segregation would go a long way in preventing blacks from preying upon whites. Don't believe blacks are dangerous? Move your family to a black apartment complex."--Joe G, poster at fox19.com

So very very sad...sad...sad...sad...sad...

You'd be hard-pressed not to read a thread on any of the stories of Esme and not find this venom of racial hatred. People sure do develop a big pair of balls when they have the anonymity of the web to hide behind. This horrible crime that proves our legal system is way off kilter. And I am reminded (as if I need anymore reminders) of how dumb people can be.

We all grieve the same. Pain hurts us equally. We all hate to see children victims of such vicious violence or any violence, for that matter. Our blood is red, our tears are clear, and we all wish that we could live in safe communities where we can rasie our children to be the best that they can be.

This shouldn't about race. This should be about a man who has a history of attacking women and burning his victims being on the streets. This is about a system that allows a person who has repeatedly committed the same crime to be free but you'll find yourself behind bars quick over weed. Now I believe that everyone should be given a chance at redemption. However, I don't feel the same for this man. My conscious won't allow it.

I would just hate to see that one of the legacies the death of this child may leave behind would be one of further deepening the chasm of black/white in Cincinnati. That just might be the biggest tragedy of all.

It seems like ignorance will always have a fighting chance in our society. Tsk tsk...

01 April 2009

It's been a few days since we wrapped up shooting for our movie submission in the College Movie Festival. Our team drew the romantic comedy genre--the second year in a row our school had it. We won last year, by the way, but the movie wasn't all that funny. I feel we have a very real shot at winning the trophy again because our script is way funnier.

All of that is fine and dandy but the pre-production and production I was involved in was insane. For starters, the Sunday morning I arrived our campus rep Nikk handed me a partially done script. I couldn't help but to look shocked. I was a part of the writing team so I expected to have a bigger part in writing the script. After all, I thought, we all said we were going to meet Sunday morning. When we all finally got together at noon Sunday I sat silent at first, mainly because I was so tired. But then, as I began to engage in the conversation, I was essentially ignored. Initially I brushed it off but then I grew very annoyed because everything I said our campus rep had some snippy comment for it. I just started returning them back--screw it, right? It won't continue for too much longer, right? WRONG! It lasted for a few days. I don't know what made him stop but I'm glad he did because I was reaching my wits end. There's only so much BS I can tolerate and I'm sure you know exactly where I'm coming from on that one.

What caused all of that crap to transpire? Hmmmm...Good question. I wasn't the only woman involved and I wasn't the only African-American, either. Besides, he's African-American. We're both of the same political stripe. Perhaps there is just something about me that he doesn't care for too much. We're all guilty of not liking a person for no reason other than there's just something about them I don't like too much. A dumb reason for sure but a common one I'd venture to say.

Enough of that garbage for now--it's time to tell about the movie. The contest has parameters, kind of like the 48 hour movie challenge. Colleges and universities round Cincinnati had 10 days to write, shoot and edit a 6 minute movie that had to include:

*a character named William "Willie" Sudgrass and he had to be a truck driver
*two lines of dialogue
- "How long have you been sitting here?" Willie had to ask and
- "I don't know, boss. I've never seen him eat." Anyone could say that.
*a photo album, the essential prop

Our character, Willie, is an employee at a courier service that specializes in delivering to law firms round the city. He falls in love with a receptionist named Stacie at the law firm Benton and Rossi but an attorney there, Mr. Storm, gives Willie a hard time. Willie's roommate Burt gives him horrible but hilarious advice to get the girl but, of course, they don't work. It takes a near tragedy for Stacie to realize that Willie is the guy for her. I don't want to give it all away. I'll post a link as soon as I get the chance. :-)